TMSA 4.0 Platform - Digital (R)evolution brings together a unified portfolio of Digital Services and Solutions that add value to the equipment produced by TMSA operating with the most advanced technology for handling solid bulk.

Platform benefits are available for new projects and, through our after-sales area, also for works already implemented when certain requirements are met. Please, consult our team for more information.

The Platform offers Technical Support and Training Services, Specialized Consulting Services, Technical Analysis and Retrofit, combined with Maintenance Services such as technical assistance, spare parts and maintenance contracts**. These services, together with Digital Solutions such as IoT**, Digital Twin* and Telemetry, make the TMSA 4.0 Platform – Digital (R)evolution a complete portfolio that guarantees greater availability of equipment and operational efficiency.

*Solution in development. **Available for Mega cleaning machine and dryers.

Click on the image segments below to access the page for each of the solutions.

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TMSA solutions are designed specifically for each customer. Interested in this solution?

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© TMSA - Bulk Handling Technology

© TMSA - Bulk Handling Technology

Av. Bernardino Silveira Pastoriza, 710
Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
Phone: +55 51 2131-3333

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